what is programming language


Introduction to Programming Languages:

A programming language is nothing but a set of instructions, which is given to a computer to get the required output.

A programming language is a way to talk with a computer.

For Example: if we need to communicate with others we need a language to speak at the same way to talk with computers we need a language called a programming language.
these programming languages are divided into 2 types:
they are high-level and low-level languages.

High-level programming Language: In High-level it consists of 
-procedure programming 
-object-oriented Language
-Functional programming

 Low-level programming Language: it consists of

-assembly language
-machine language


→ procedure programming:

it is also known as Routine subroutines or functions. 
it  Simply consists of series of computational steps to be carried out.
During a program execution in procedural programming Language, any given procedural might be called at any point including by other procedures or itself.
Ex: C, COBOL, Fortran.

→ object-oriented Language:

the most common and most frequently wed programming Language in the current era is object-oriented Language. any object that is created in object-oriented programming is also called a Component of a programming language. which will have the modules and data structures. the modules are here are also called the methods and are used to access the data from the object. it's like Creating an object and filling the methods and data structures into it.
So, the modern technique is to design a program that is the object-oriented approach.
it is very easy to approach in which a program designed by using objects. So, once an object for any program is designed it can be reused by any other programs.
Ex: C++, java.

→ Functional programming language :

it is a way of thinking about the software by constructing or by creating functions. 
Ex. Haskell, Scala.
note: These are all high-level languages which is not directly understood by the computer.


→ Assembly language :

It is a programming language, the program instructions written in this language are close to machine language. where machine Languages are like 0's and 1's So, Assembly language also known as the second generation of programming Language. . like Ex: for the addition we use add. multiplication we use mul.Subtraction we use Sub. is called low-level symbolic language.

→ Machine Language:

Instructions are in binary form are o's & 1's. which can be directly understood by the computer, without translating them. it is also called machine language or machine code.
Machine Languages are also called as the first generation of programming languages. Machine Language is the fundamental Language of Computer & the programming instructions are in binary form o's & 1's.