advantages, disadvantages and features of python

advantages, disadvantages, and features of python

About python

◆   A python is a general-purpose high-level interpreted language.

◆   With easy syntax.

◆   It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.

◆   It is a popular language because it is easy to start. Its features make it one of the best languages for anybody to get started with programming.

◆   Free -- means it is an open-source language I.e., free for everybody to use.

◆   Python is used to make almost anything like GUI applications, mobile applications, web applications, etc., and is also used in AI and ML algorithms.

◆  library and support: there is a huge community of people who come together will make the libraries and modules that can be used to obtain a solution.

◆   The main thing is code is much lesser than compare to other programming languages

Comparison of code with other languages.

c language:



Printf(“hello world\n”);


In java programming :

Class myfirstjavaprog


Public static void main(string args[])


System.out.println(“hello world”);



in python:

 Print(“hello world”)

Features of python



◆Simplicity: python has made programming fun because of its simplicity it makes you think more about the solution rather than syntax.

◆Opensource: python is an open-source language, which means it is free for anybody to use.

◆Portability: python supports portability which means you can write code and can share it with anybody that you want this makes the project much easier.

◆    Object-oriented-language: one of the key features of python is object-oriented-
programming. It supports classes, objects, and encapsulations, etc.

◆High-level language: means, we write programs we do not need to remember the system architecture, nor do we need to manage the memory.

◆Extensible features: we can write python code  (c)and (c ++) language and we can compile the code.

◆Integrated: Because we can easily integrated python  with other languages like c, c ++, etc

Advantages of python

◆   Easy to read, learn, and write because it has English-like syntax.

◆   Interpreted language: directly executes the code line by line, if in case of any errors it stops further execution and reports the errors which have occurred.

◆   Free and open-source: we don’t need to pay.

◆   Portability means you can share and it also supports c and c ++

Disadvantages of python

◆Slow speed: because it is an interpreted language that means the line-by-line execution of code often leads to slow execution.

◆A large amount of memory: python programming language uses a large amount of memory this can be a disadvantage while building applications when we prefer memory

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