distributed system syllabus

distributed system syllabus

Distributed systems syllabus:


Characterization of Distributed Systems: Introduction, Examples of Distributed Systems, Resource Sharing and the Web, Challenges. System Models: Introduction, Architectural Models, Fundamental Models.


Time and the Global States: Introduction, Clocks Events, and the Process States, Synchronizing Physical Clocks, Logical Time and Logical Clocks, Global States, Distributed Debugging. Coordination and Agreement: Introduction, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Elections, Multicast Communication, Consensus, and Related Problems.


Inter-Process Communication: Introduction, The API for the Internet Protocols, External Data Representation and Marshalling, Client-Server Communication, Group Communication, Case Study: IPC in UNIX. Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation: Introduction, Communication between Distributed Objects, Remote Procedure Call, Events and Notifications, Case Study: JAVA RMI.


Distributed File Systems: Introduction, File Service Architecture, Case Study 1: Sun Network File System, Case Study 2: The Andrew File System. Name Services: Introduction, Name Services, and the Domain Name System, Directory Services, Case Study of the Global Name Services. R16 B.TECH CSE. Distributed Shared Memory: Introduction, Design and Implementation Issues, Sequential Consistency and IVY case study, Release Consistency, Munin Case Study, Other Consistency Models.

UNIT- V : 

Transactions and Concurrency Control: Introduction, Transactions, Nested Transactions, Locks, Optimistic Concurrency Control, Timestamp Ordering, Comparison of Methods for Concurrency Control. Distributed Transactions: Introduction, Flat and Nested Distributed Transactions, Atomic Commit Protocols, Concurrency Control in Distributed Transactions, Distributed Deadlocks, Transaction Recovery

To download the materials click below

For unit-1 CLICK HERE to download

For unit-2 CLICK HERE to download

For unit-3 CLICK HERE to download

For unit- 4 CLICK HERE to download

For unit-5 CLICK HERE to download.

To download the syllabus, important questions, and previous question paper CLICK HERE

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