Operators in python

 Operators in python

Operators: operators are something which is used to perform the operations
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

◆   Operators which are going to operate something or perform something

◆   In python, we have seven operators
1.arithmetic operators
2. assignment operators
3.comparison operators
4.bitwise operators
5. logical operators
6. membership operators
7.identify operators

Arithmetic operators :which is used to perform the operations like
+ (addition)
- (subtraction)
* (multiplication)
/ (division)
% (modulus)
** (exponent multiplication)
// (exponent division)

Assignment operators: which is used to assign the values they are
(=, +=, -=, *=, /=, **=, //=, %=)

Comparison operators: which is used to compare, it consists of
( == , != ,< , > , <=, >= )

Bitwise operators: it works on the gates such as

| , & , ^

|- or gate

& - and gate

^ -  xor gate

Logical operators: it is used when more than two conditions consist of

Membership operators: it checks is it member or not such as      
 in & not in

Identify operators: it  is used to identify it consist of  
  isis not