what is python and features of python

what is python?

a python is a simple interactive and interpreted object-oriented programming language,
when compared to other programming languages it is a simple robust, and powerful language.
a work on python began in late 1989 by Guido Van Rossum at CWI (Centrum Voor Wiskunde en Informatica, the national research institute of mathematics and computer science)in the Netherlands and it was released in 1991.

Features of python?

It is a programming language same as English sentences which is easy to understand.
it can be understood by everyone because of the easy syntax with English sentences.

Python is an object-oriented programming language, as it separates data from logic. the object is created to access the data. the Modern technique is to design a program is the object-oriented approach. it is the easy approach, so once the object is created for any program is designed it can be reused by any other program.

It refers to the capability of the programming language. to accept and Handle the additional performance required.

python allows the programmers to code Some parts of the algorithm in different languages like c,c++, java, etc through Python code.

Since it was written in c, it was it can work on different platforms you can use python in any system either Windows, Linux, or mac.

Easy to learn:
Very few keywords & Simple Structure & well-defined Structure Made it easy to learn.

Easy to Read:
Unlike other programming languages it doesn't make use of symbols like ($) semicolon(;) rather it defines a simple and clear code that is easier to read. Python does not give as much flexibility to write obfuscated code compared to other languages, making it easier for others to understand your code faster and vice versa. Readability usually helps make a language easy to learn, Python code is easy to understand even to a reader who has never seen a single line of Python before.

Large standard library:
 It consists of a large number of libraries and it Consist of a Huge Community i.e, there are More than 50,000 libraries available in the Python package and it is an open source.

Force & opensource:
It available for free & it is an opensource anyone can use it.

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