advanced algorithms syllabus, important questions and materials

advanced algorithms syllabus, important questions and materials


Advanced algorithms (AA)



Introduction: Role of Algorithms in computing, Order Notation, Recurrences, Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms. Sorting and Order Statistics: Heapsort, Quicksort and Sorting in Linear Time. Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques: Dynamic Programming- Matrix chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, and optimal binary Search trees. (Chapters - 1, 2)


Greedy Algorithms - Huffman Codes, Activity Selection Problem. Amortized Analysis. Graph Algorithms: Topological Sorting, Minimum Spanning trees, Single Source Shortest Paths, Maximum Flow algorithms. (Chapters - 3, 4) 


 Sorting Networks: Comparison Networks, Zero-one principle, bitonic Sorting Networks, Merging Network, Sorting Network. Matrix Operations - Strassen's Matrix Multiplication, inverting matrices, Solving system of Linear Equations. (Chapters - 5, 6)


String Matching: Naive String Matching, Rabin-Karp algorithm, matching with finite Automata, Knuth- Morris - Pratt algorithm. (Chapter - 7)

 UNIT - V 

NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms: Polynomial-time, polynomial-time verification, NP-Completeness and reducibility, NP-Complete problems. Approximation Algorithms- Vertex cover Problem, Travelling Salesperson problem. (Chapter - 8)

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Credits - Technical publications

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