operating system second unit material

operating system second unit material

Operating system 2nd unit material download from below link:

the operating system is one of the core and important subject in computer science and it interview point of view it is an important subject and we can expect a maximum of 5 to 6 questions from this subject.
as computer science students, we should have to know about memory management, memory allocation, Deadlock avoidance, critical section, partition, etc these are some important topics for the interviews.

as we know that os is an important part of the system and it allows you to communicate with the computer system.
An operating system is the most essential program that allows a computer to run and execute programs. Without an operating system, a computer cannot be of any important use since the computer's hardware won't be able to communicate with the software. 

now I think you may have got an idea about this subject and the importance of this subject



Process and CPU Scheduling - Process concepts-The Process, Process State, Process Control Block, Threads, Process Scheduling-Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Context Switch, Operations on Processes, System calls-fork(), exec(), wait(), exit(), Interprocess communication-ordinary pipes and named pipes in Unix. Process Scheduling-Basic concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling algorithms, MultipleProcessor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling, Thread scheduling, Linux scheduling, and Windows schedule. Process Synchronization, Background, The Critical Section Problem, Peterson’s solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization in Linux and Windows.

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