Angular framework commands for beginners

Commands List:
First, we need to install node js to install the angular so follow the link  to install node Download
To verify whether it installed successfully or not  run the command  i.e., check the npm version 
cmd> npm --version
npm is a package manager to install the packages.

The angular commands are...

Install angular cli - npm install -g @angular/cli

Check angular version - ng --version

Create new application - ng new applicationname

Run application - ng serve   or   npm start

Generate component - ng g c componentname   or  ng generate component componentname

To generate component with custom  - ng g c componentname -it -is --skipsTests=true

To create a service class - ng g s serviceclassname

To skiptestfile in service - ng g s serviceclassname --skipTests=true

New module - ng g m nameofmodule --route nameofmodule --module app.module.ts

To create guards - ng g guard guard-name

To install bootstrap popper and jquery - npm install bootstrap jquery popper --save

To generate a class - ng g class classname

To generate custom directives - ng g directive nameofthedirective

To know more visit 

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