html dropdown list and its attributes

About HTML drop-down list and its attributes 

An HTML drop-down list is created using the <select> element, which creates a drop-down list of options. 
Each option within the list is represented by an <option> element, which is nested inside the <select> element.

Attributes of the <select> element:

name: specifies a name for the drop-down list that can be used to reference it in a form.
multiple: allows multiple options to be selected at once.
size: specifies the number of visible options in the drop-down list.
disabled: disables the drop-down list, making it unclickable.
required: makes it mandatory for a user to select an option before submitting the form.

Attributes of the <option> element:

value: specifies the value that will be sent to the server when the option is selected.
selected: specifies that the option should be pre-selected when the page loads.
disabled: disables the option, making it unselectable.


<select name="fruit" 
<option value="apple">
<option value="banana">
<option value="mango">
<option value="orange" 

In this example, a drop-down list named "fruit" is created with four options: apple, banana, mango, and orange. The "multiple" attribute is used to allow the user to select multiple options at once, and the "selected" attribute is used to pre-select the "orange" option when the page loads.

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