html headings

HTML headings in detail:

HTML headings are used to organize and structure content on a webpage. 
They are represented by the <h1> through <h6> tags, with <h1> being the highest-level heading 
and <h6> being the lowest level heading.

The <h1> tag is typically used for the main title or heading of a webpage, 
while the <h2> tag is used for subheadings or sections within the webpage. 
The <h3> through <h6> tags can be used for sub-sections or 
sub-subheadings within the webpage.

Headings are important for both users and search engines as 
they provide a clear and logical structure for the content on the page. 
They help users to understand the importance and relevance of different parts of the content
and also help search engines to understand the structure of the page, 
which can impact its ranking in search results.

It is recommended to use headings in a hierarchical order and to avoid skipping heading levels. 
It is also important to make sure that heading tags reflect the importance and relevance of the content they contain, and are not to be used for styling purposes only.

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