html iframe

An iframe (short for "inline frame") is an HTML element 
that allows you to embed another HTML document within the current one.
 The embedded document is treated as a separate entity and can be styled and interacted with independently of the parent document.


<iframe src="URL">


src: the URL of the document to be embedded
width and height: the width and height of the frame, in pixels
frameborder: the width of the border around the frame, in pixels
name: a name for the frame, used for linking and targeting
sandbox: a security feature that restricts the actions of the embedded content


<iframe src=""
width="600" height="400"

It is also possible to include content within the iframe element instead of a src attribute, this is called "inline frame"

<!-- Content here -->

It is important to note that some websites may not allow their content to be embedded in an iframe due to security reasons.

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