links or hyperlinks in html

Creating HTML Links

Links in HTML, also known as hyperlinks, allow users to navigate between different web pages or sections within the same page. 
Links in HTML are created using the "a" tag, with the "href" attribute specifying 
the destination URL or the id of the section within the same page.

. For example, to create a link to my website, the following code can be used:
<a href="">codewithzaheer</a>

When displayed in a web browser, this code will show "codewithzaheer" as a clickable link 
that leads to the codewithzaheer website when clicked.

You can also specify the link target using the target attribute by using the target attribute and setting it to _blank. This is useful for external links so that users will still have the original page open when they return.
Like <a href="" target="_blank">codewithzaheer</a> 
This will open the link in a new browser tab.

Links can also be used to link to specific parts of a page by using the id attribute on the element you want to link to and the href attribute in the link element to refer to it.

<a href="#section1">Go to Section 1</a>
<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>
Links can also be styled using CSS, you can change the color, font, background, etc. of a link using CSS.

a {
  color: blue;
  text-decoration: none;

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