useful html character entities

Here are some commonly used HTML character entities:

&lt; : less-than sign (<)
&gt; : greater-than sign (>)
&amp; : ampersand (&)
&quot; : double quotation mark (")
&apos; : single quotation mark (')
&nbsp; : non-breaking space
&copy; : copyright symbol
&reg; : registered trademark symbol
&hellip; : horizontal ellipsis (...)
&trade; : trade mark symbol
&mdash; : em dash (—)
&ndash; : en dash (–)
&lsquo; : left single quotation mark (‘)
&rsquo; : right single quotation mark (’)
&ldquo; : left double quotation mark (“)
&rdquo; : right double quotation mark (”)
These entities can be used in place of special characters in HTML code to ensure that the characters are displayed correctly in web browsers.

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