How to configure Git to use Notepad or any editor of your choice as the default text editor

Open a command prompt or terminal window

Type the following command to set Notepad as the default text editor for Git:

GIT command
git config --global core.editor notepad

This will set Notepad as the default text editor for all Git repositories on your system.

Now when you need to edit a commit message or any other text file in Git, Git will open the Notepad editor for you to make changes.


that Notepad may not be the best choice for a text editor for programming, as it lacks many features that are helpful for coding.

You may want to consider using a more advanced text editor, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, or Notepad++, depending on your preferences.

To use a different text editor with Git, just replace "notepad" with the name of your preferred text editor in the command above.

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