modern software engineering fourth unit material

modern software engineering fourth unit material



Planing: Version, Release Plan, Risk Management, Iteration Planning, Slack, Stories. Estimating.

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modern software engineering fifth unit material

modern software engineering fifth unit material



Developing: Incremental requirements, Customer tests. Test-driven development. Refactoring, Incremental design, and architecture, spike solutions, Performance optimization, Exploratory testing.

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python syllabus

Download python syllabus, materials, and important questions



Python Basics, Objects- Python Objects, Standard Types, Other Built-in Types, Internal Types, Standard Type Operators, Standard Type Built-in Functions, Categorizing the Standard Types, Unsupported Types Numbers - Introduction to Numbers, Integers, Floating-Point Real Numbers, Complex Numbers, Operators, Built-in Functions, Related Modules Sequences - Strings, Lists, and Tuples, Mapping and Set Types 


FILES: File Objects, File Built-in Function [ open() ], File Built-in Methods, File Built-in Attributes, Standard Files, Command-line Arguments, File System, File Execution, Persistent Storage Modules, Related Modules Exceptions: Exceptions in Python, Detecting and Handling Exceptions, Context Management, *Exceptions as Strings, Raising Exceptions, Assertions, Standard Exceptions, *Creating Exceptions, Why Exceptions (Now)? Why Exceptions at All?, Exceptions and the sys Module, Related Modules Modules: Modules and Files, Namespaces, Importing Modules, Importing Module Attributes, Module Built-in Functions, Packages, Other Features of Modules


Regular Expressions: Introduction, Special Symbols and Characters, Res and Python Multithreaded Programming: Introduction, Threads and Processes, Python, Threads, and the Global Interpreter Lock, Thread Module, Threading Module, Related Modules 


GUI Programming: Introduction, Tkinter and Python Programming, Brief Tour of Other GUIs, Related Modules, and Other GUIs WEB Programming: Introduction, Wed Surfing with Python, Creating Simple Web Clients, Advanced Web Clients, CGI-Helping Servers Process Client Data, Building CGI Application Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers 


Database Programming: Introduction, Python Database Application Programmer’s Interface (DB-API), Object Relational Managers (ORMs), Related Modules 

Download syllabus and important questions and previous papers CLICK HERE

About the python programming language

A Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.
- it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
- Python is an object-oriented programming language, it is called interpreted language because python doesn't convert code into machine code, it simply converts the program code to bytecode.
- within python compilation happens but it's not into a machine language.
- within the environment of python the code is executing in the form of byte code.
- byte code being created and which is not further understood by the CPU.
-  CPU doesn't know what is bytecode, so we actually need an interpreter.
- interpreter is a python virtual machine (PVM) is the one which executes the bytecode. 

To download the materials of all units click the below links...
Material Credits - sia publications

Unit 1 material Download

Unit 2 material Download

Unit 3 material Download
Unit 4 material Download

Unit 5 material Download

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python first unit material download

A Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.
- it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
- Python is an object-oriented programming language, it is called interpreted language because python doesn't convert code into machine code, it simply converts the program code to bytecode.
- within python compilation happens but it's not into a machine language.
- within the environment of python the code is executing in the form of byte code.
- byte code being created and which is not further understood by the CPU.
-  CPU doesn't know what is bytecode, so we actually need an interpreter.
- interpreter is a python virtual machine (PVM) is the one which executes the bytecode.



Python Basics, Objects- Python Objects, Standard Types, Other Built-in Types, Internal Types, Standard Type Operators, Standard Type Built-in Functions, Categorizing the Standard Types, Unsupported Types Numbers - Introduction to Numbers, Integers, Floating-Point Real Numbers, Complex Numbers, Operators, Built-in Functions, Related Modules Sequences - Strings, Lists, and Tuples, Mapping and Set Types

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python second unit material download

A Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.
- it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
- Python is an object-oriented programming language, it is called interpreted language because python doesn't convert code into machine code, it simply converts the program code to bytecode.
- within python compilation happens but it's not into a machine language.
- within the environment of python the code is executing in the form of byte code.
- byte code being created and which is not further understood by the CPU.
-  CPU doesn't know what is bytecode, so we actually need an interpreter.
- interpreter is a python virtual machine (PVM) is the one which executes the bytecode.



FILES: File Objects, File Built-in Function [ open() ], File Built-in Methods, File Built-in Attributes, Standard Files, Command-line Arguments, File System, File Execution, Persistent Storage Modules, Related Modules Exceptions: Exceptions in Python, Detecting and Handling Exceptions, Context Management, *Exceptions as Strings, Raising Exceptions, Assertions, Standard Exceptions, *Creating Exceptions, Why Exceptions (Now)? Why Exceptions at All?, Exceptions and the sys Module, Related Modules Modules: Modules and Files, Namespaces, Importing Modules, Importing Module Attributes, Module Built-in Functions, Packages, Other Features of Modules 

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python third unit material download

A Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.
- it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
- Python is an object-oriented programming language, it is called interpreted language because python doesn't convert code into machine code, it simply converts the program code to bytecode.
- within python compilation happens but it's not into a machine language.
- within the environment of python the code is executing in the form of byte code.
- byte code being created and which is not further understood by the CPU.
-  CPU doesn't know what is bytecode, so we actually need an interpreter.
- interpreter is a python virtual machine (PVM) is the one which executes the bytecode.



Regular Expressions: Introduction, Special Symbols and Characters, Res and Python Multithreaded Programming: Introduction, Threads and Processes, Python, Threads, and the Global Interpreter Lock, Thread Module, Threading Module, Related Modules

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python fourth unit material download

A Python is a general-purpose, high-level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics.
- it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989.
- Python is an object-oriented programming language, it is called interpreted language because python doesn't convert code into machine code, it simply converts the program code to bytecode.
- within python compilation happens but it's not into a machine language.
- within the environment of python the code is executing in the form of byte code.
- byte code being created and which is not further understood by the CPU.
-  CPU doesn't know what is bytecode, so we actually need an interpreter.
- interpreter is a python virtual machine (PVM) is the one which executes the bytecode.



GUI Programming: Introduction, Tkinter and Python Programming, Brief Tour of Other GUIs, Related Modules, and Other GUIs WEB Programming: Introduction, Wed Surfing with Python, Creating Simple Web Clients, Advanced Web Clients, CGI-Helping Servers Process Client Data, Building CGI Application Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers.

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