Showing posts with label informative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label informative. Show all posts

Guide to testing your local website on mobile devices: Simple steps for developers

How to Test a Local Website on Mobile Devices

How to Test a Local Website on Mobile Devices

Ensuring your website looks and works well on mobile devices is crucial. Testing this can be easy if you know the right steps. In this post, I’ll guide you through testing your local website on your phone in three simple steps. While browser developer tools are useful, testing on an actual mobile device provides better visualization and interaction.

Steps to Test Your Local Website on Your Phone

  1. Run the Live Server

    Open your project in VS Code. Click the "Go Live" button at the bottom right. This starts a local server, usually on port 5500. Your project will open in your default browser. Note the port number.

  2. Find Your Local IPv4 Address

    Open Command Prompt (CMD) on your computer. Type ipconfig and press Enter. Locate your IPv4 address under the "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi" section. It will look something like 192.168.1.x.

  3. View Your Project on Your Phone

    Open the browser on your phone. Enter your IPv4 address followed by the port number, like this: 192.168.1.x:5500. If your main HTML file isn’t named index.html, include the file name in the URL.

You should now see a live preview of your project on your phone. Changes made in VS Code will instantly reflect on your phone without needing a refresh.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you face issues like "The site can't be reached," try these solutions:

  • Verify the IPv4 Address and Port Number: Ensure they are correctly entered.
  • Check Network Connection: Both devices should be on the same WiFi network.
  • Check the File Path: Make sure to include the correct file name in the URL if necessary.
  • Adjust Firewall Settings: Your firewall may block the connection. Allow traffic on the Live Server port.


This method helps you see how your website performs on a mobile device, ensuring it’s optimized and responsive. This approach is suitable for both static sites and those using frameworks. Happy testing!

vs code shortcuts you must know

Some useful vscode shortcuts you must know which save your time.

1. To open vs code from the command prompt 
cmd> code .

2. To open a terminal in vs code 
ctrl + `

useful apps and websites for your preparation

Programming apps:
  • SoloLearn
  • Programming Hero
  • Mimo
  • Programming Hub
  • Code Hub
  • Grasshopper
  • Enki
  • Encode
  • Codecademy
  • DataCamp
Learning websites:
  • W3School
  • freeCodeCamp
  • GeeksforGeeks
  • Udacity
  • Udemy, Inc.
  • Codecademy
  • Coursera
  • Khan Academy
  • edX
Queries Websites:
  • Stack Overflow
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • CodeProject
  • Programmers Heaven
  • Coderanch
  • FindNerd
  • Chegg
Challenge Websites:
  • Codewars
  • HackerRank
  • Topcoder
  • Coderbyte
  • HackerEarth
  • Leetcode
  • CodeChef
  • Edabit
  • Codeforces
  • SPOJ

note: if you know any other websites and apps please let me know.. which can be helpful

keyboard shortcuts you must know as a programmer

The keyboard shortcuts you must know to save your time.
1. ALT + F4   - (To close the currently active window and if no window is active then a shutdown dialog box will appear to shut down or to restart the system).
2. CTRL + home - (Move to the starting point of a line).
3. CTRL + end - (Move to the endpoint of a line).
4. CTRL + A - (To select all)
5. F1 - (Help)
6. fn + F2 - (To rename )
7. ALT + TAB - (To migrate from one tab to another)
8. ESC - (Cancel)
9.  CTRL + >  (Next word)
10. SHIFT + > (To select
 right-side item)
11. SHIFT + < (To select left-side item)
12. CTRL + C  (To copy)
13. CTRL + V (To paste)
14. SHIFT + DEL   - (To delete permanently)
15. CTRL + SHIFT + N  (Create new folder)
16. Window + prt sc  (Screenshot)
17. F5 (Refresh)
18.  Window + R  (Open RUN command)
19. Window + L (Lock your PC)
20. ALT + ENTER  (Selected item property)
21. CTRL + B (Bold text)
22. Window + I (To open settings)
23. Window + D (Minimize & Maximize all tabs)
24. Window + + (Open Magnifier)
25. CTRL + Y (Redo)
26. CTRL + Z (Undo)
27. CTRL + SHIFT + W (Close all tabs)
28. CTRL + SHIFT + T (Reopen last close tab)
29. CTRL + SHIFT + S (Save as)
30. CTRL + S (Save)

top websites to learn programming for free

The websites are...

  • W3schools
  • Udemy
  • Tutorialspoint
  • Coursera
  • GeeksforGeeks
  • KhanAcademy
  • Codeacademy
  • Edx
  • SoloLearn
  • FreeCodeCamp
  • Treehouse
  • Youtube
  • Medium

What to do next after Btech

What to do after Btech? it's a scary question since it is faced by many engineering students after their final year.
There are many routes you can take after completing your B.Tech. However, with the great number of career options available, it's natural that you may feel confused about which one to choose.
Where Some of them follow their goals, Some of them blindly join with their friend's chosen paths...
Actually, Most students get into engineering without knowing what they like or what they want to do after Btech, which is why India has a huge number of BTech graduates.

These are some routes or options I mentioned below to do after BTech.


On-campus Placements lead you directly to recruiters without a lot of effort and offer you a chance to get a job. And here it is easy to get a job with less competition


Yes, in Higher studies you can do MTech programs, MS, MBA courses, INTERNSHIPS, and the last one is CERTIFICATION Courses, etc...

since it is computer science and most of them like coding, and some of them like non-coding courses
and everyone doesn't need to choose coding as a career (technical and non-technical)
there are also non-coding jobs and courses I discussed below as follows 

Technical Courses as follows as 

  • Data science
  • Machine Learning
  • IoT
  • Cybersecurity 
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain technology
  • Android development
  • Front-end development
  • back-end development
  • Full-stack developer (java, python)
  • Tech-stacks such as MERN(Mongodb, Express, React, Node.JS), MEAN(MongoDB, Express,Angular, Node.JS), MEVN(Mongodb, Express,Vue, Node.JS), LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL,Php)
  • Game development
  • C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, Php developers...
 etc.. are some of the courses.

Non-technical jobs and courses as follows as

If you feel coding is hard, and you don't like coding even though some of the technologies or roles are mentioned below..

  • Robotic process automation (RPA)
  • UI/UX Designing
  • Network Engineer
  • Database engineer
  • Business analyst
  • Software testing/Quality analyst
  • Web designer
  • Design engineer
  • Computer architect
  • DevOps
  • Technical support
  • Business Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Digital Marketing Strategist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Business Development Manager
  • Management Consultant
  • Advertising and media Professional
  • Investment Banker 
  • Product Manager
  • Customer relationship manager
  • product manager
  • Technical writer
  • Graphic designer
  • Sap BASIS, SD
  • Manual testing
  • and alot more...
Etc.. are some of the non-technical jobs for that it requires good analytical and problem-solving skills and spoken English, communication, listening, and creativity.

If you know the remaining courses and jobs then list them below in the comment section  It will helpful.

Like it and Share it if you feel as useful...

who can learn programming

who can learn to program?

In a lot of people, these questions might be raised that who can learn to code?
do I have a logical thinking ness for coding? I unable to code? how to learn to code?
for all these types of questions, the only answer is practice makes a man perfect.

so I want to tell you that
Absolute beginners with zero coding knowledge can learn to program
and those who want to automate the things, and any age group it doesn't matter, and they also able to do the programming who believe in them and creative and non-technical persons.

and some people think I never coded before can I still learn?
the answer I suggest you is it's a bit difficult when you have absolutely no programming experience
but you just need proper tools and the way how I mean roadmap is a necessary thing before you are getting started.
don't give up.
and some of the myths of  coding that makes you backstep or stopping you from learning is
1. you need to be a genius to code 
2. coding is boring
3. you need to be good at math
4. once you master a language, you are done learning
5. one language is better than the rest of all
6. I have to go to a university to learn to code
7. it's too late to learn to code etc...

all you need is ambition and it's not too late have a happy coding 
best of luck.

note: coding and programming is not the same

how to learn programming faster.

 here are seven tips on how to learn programming faster.

1. Learn by doing...

2. Grasp the fundamentals for long-term benefits. 

3. Code by hand....

4. Ask for help....

5. Seek out more online resources. ...

6. Don't just read the sample code....

7. Take breaks when debugging.

shortcut keys


shortcut keys

# windows + v to copy multiple data and copy at various positions.

# windows >  --> to set multiple windows or positions if more than one window is available.

# to open taskbar windows press the window button and their position number.

# ex: Windows 1

# windows + d to minimize all windows at a time.

# to delete a word press ctrl + backspace 

# where backspace deletes only a character

# windows + tab to see recent windows opened.  and  alt + tab to select the required tab i.e., it is easy to navigate between various tabs 

# shift + home and end keys to copy the data 

# windows + p to move from multiple monitors 

# Windows + L  to lock  the screen 

# press mouse wheel to open in new window

interpreted vs compiled

interpreted vs compiled..

interpreted compiled
it runs and execute program line by line the program is directly converted into machine code then processor can execute
slower faster
python,PHP,Ruby etc are interpreted languages rust,c,c++,etc are some are the compiled languages
kept simple more complex
debugging can be done easily gets more complicated while debugging
no intermediate object code is generated generates intermediate object code
memory efficient require more memory

difference between frontend and backend

difference between frontend and backend?

frontend developer backend developer
how things look how things work
markup programming
web languages scripting
web editing server architecture
image editing database admin
accessibility. security
Usability. scalability
browser issues data transmission
seo backup

basic language


do you know?

 even you don't have basic knowledge of programming 
you can still able  to learn python because it is an easy and high-level language and it consists of a large number of libraries