pccn syllabus and materials


principles of computer and communication networks syllabus

syllabus download now Click Here


Overview of Computer Communications and Networking: Introduction to Computer
Communications and Networking, Introduction to Computer Network, Types of Computer
Networks, Network Addressing, Routing, Reliability, Interoperability, and Security, Network
Standards, The Telephone System and Data Communications.


Essential Terms and Concepts: Computer Applications and application protocols,
Computer Communications and Networking models, Communication Service Methods and
data transmission modes, analog, and Digital Communications, Speed and capacity of a
Communication Channel, Multiplexing and switching, Network architecture and the OSI
reference model.


Analog and Digital Communication Concepts: Representing data as analog signals,
representing data as digital signals, data rate, and bandwidth reduction, Digital Carrier


Physical and data link layer Concepts: The Physical and Electrical Characteristics of wire,
Copper media, fiber optic media, wireless Communications. Introduction to data link layer,
the logical link control, and medium access control sub-layer.


Network Hardware Components: Introduction to Connectors, Transceivers, and media
convertors, repeaters, network interference cards, and PC cards, bridges, switches, switches
Vs Routers

Download syllabus and important questions and previous papers Click Here

To download the materials of all units click the below links...

Unit 1 material Click Here

Unit 2 material Click Here

Unit 3 material Click Here

Unit 4 material Click Here

Unit 5 material Click Here

note: this material is for educational purposes only not for sale
if any issues please feel free to contact me.

Credits - sia publications

pccn unit wise important questions


principles of computer and communication networks

unit wise important questions 

pccn unit 4 material


principles of computer and communication networks

 unit 4 material download

pccn unit 3 material


principles of computer and communication networks

 unit 3 material download

pccn unit 2 material


principles of computer and communication networks

 unit 2 material download

pccn unit 1 material


principles of computer and communication networks

 unit 1 material download

who can learn programming

who can learn to program?

In a lot of people, these questions might be raised that who can learn to code?
do I have a logical thinking ness for coding? I unable to code? how to learn to code?
for all these types of questions, the only answer is practice makes a man perfect.

so I want to tell you that
Absolute beginners with zero coding knowledge can learn to program
and those who want to automate the things, and any age group it doesn't matter, and they also able to do the programming who believe in them and creative and non-technical persons.

and some people think I never coded before can I still learn?
the answer I suggest you is it's a bit difficult when you have absolutely no programming experience
but you just need proper tools and the way how I mean roadmap is a necessary thing before you are getting started.
don't give up.
and some of the myths of  coding that makes you backstep or stopping you from learning is
1. you need to be a genius to code 
2. coding is boring
3. you need to be good at math
4. once you master a language, you are done learning
5. one language is better than the rest of all
6. I have to go to a university to learn to code
7. it's too late to learn to code etc...

all you need is ambition and it's not too late have a happy coding 
best of luck.

note: coding and programming is not the same