complete HTML course


1. Introduction to html
2. Basic html tags
3. How to create or edit html file
4. About html elements
5. Empty elements in html you must know
6. Html attributes in detailed
7. Comments in html
8. Html styles in detailed
9. Html colors and its types
10. Html responsive and media queries to make responsive website
11. Html headings
12. Block elements and inline elements
13. Links or hyperlinks in HTML
14. HTML text formatting
15. Sections and semantics in HTML
16. div and span in HTML
17. Images in HTML
18. Filepaths in HTML
19. Tables in HTML
20. Lists in HTML
21. HTML forms
22. HTML inputs
23. Dropdown list
24. SEO with HTML meta
25. HTML audios
26. HTML videos
28. HTML youtube videos
29. Useful HTML character entities
30. HTML pre elements
31. HTML figures

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